I am a PR Rep and PAO. (SEE: (blogs): highvizpr,abbebuckpr, abbebuckpublicaffairs); Twitter). YES, politics + info-tainment are ruling the day; W/ micro-blogging speeding the process of plow and share ten-fold, I share PR POV right here, welcoming all Q & A. To find out more about my line, "GOOGLE" (of course!)/ get in touch. (Still) TOPICAL QUOTE: "We are living in an age of Publicity" -Will Rogers (1924) ~~(Some things just never change!) # # #

Sunday, August 31, 2008

If you had a tv show called "Californication", what lengths would you go to publicize it?

Boost ratings? Oh, yes.

Here's how (below)

Unless life imitates art as addiction - dujour (smile) so, new? Well, I am an aDDICT AnD i CAN RELATE AND most artists are addicts donchaknow

But! If you are an addict, then why play one? Geez-0us! That is one oxymoron. And marrying a dish like tea leoni? There are some things that are just plain weird.

It is all here:

David Duchovny’s Sex Addiction: The Signs Were There - Aug 29, 2008
It’s really no surprise that David Duchovny is in rehab for sex addiction, as People reported Thursday. Just look at his filmography: The clues are ...
MTV.com -
1000 related articles »

more hype!
The mourning after ... and is David Duchovny a sex addict? - Inquirer.net - 2 related articles »
David Duchovny's sex disorder likened to alcoholism - Yahoo! News
Did life imitate art when David Duchovny, who plays a sex-mad writer on the hit US TV show "Californication," seek treatment for sex addiction?news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080829/people_nm/duchovny_dc - 52k -
Cached - Similar pages - Note this
David Duchovny enters rehab for sex addiction - Yahoo! News

hype hype hype!
David Duchovny, who plays a sex-obsessed character on Showtime's "Californication," has entered a rehabilitation facility for sex addiction.news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080829/ap_on_en_tv/people_david_duchovny - Similar pages - Note thisMore results from news.yahoo.com »

ah, from 1997!
David Duchovny DuchovnyNet - Article: Playgirl Magazine 1997
What about all these rumors hitting the papers alleging that David Duchovny is a sex addict? With a self-mocking grin he replies, "I just want to make love ..."
www.duchovny.net/articles/playgirl.htm - 31k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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1 comment:

Abbe Buck, PA, PR, PM, OM said...

Has anyone contacted Mr. Duchovny's publicist?

FEMA's Fake News Conference Named 2007's Biggest PR DisasterThe 13th Annual Top 10 PR Blunders List, compiled by San Francisco's Fineman PR, .... LOS ANGELES — David Duchovny, who plays a sex-obsessed character on ...
www.huffingtonpost.com/2007/12/15/femas-fake-news-conferenc_n_76957.html - 74k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this